In our lives we come across individuals from different walks of life, different backgrounds, different languages, different characters, different principles and values. Some impress us with their behaviour, while some don’t. Some influence us, while some just don’t seem to have any effect on us. Some are meant to stay, while some are meant only for a season to be washed away by the wave of time. Some can build the character, while some can destroy the individual in you. Some are trustworthy, while some are crooked.
Friends play an important role in one’s life, by encouraging, motivating, moulding, loving, understanding, caring, and supporting the individual. Words cannot express this relationship that friends share because it’s special. There are innumerable quotes about friendship and the best one is found in Proverbs 18:24 which say “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” A friend is someone with whom you can be yourself. Your top secrets are shared without the faintest doubt that your friend would announce it to the rest of the world. A friend is your mirror when you need it. And guess that’s why someone had written “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you, who you are”.
Not all acquaintances would be called special because it’s only those few special friends whom you hold close to your heart. No matter what they do, you promise to stick by them to the very end. They are that someone who is always true to his/her word. Someone who has assured that he/she won’t turn from you and on whom you have put your faith in. He/she will never let you down. “A really close friendship doesn’t happen only of happiness...It travels a long way through misunderstandings, stupid fights, teasings, hesitations, consoling words, and more....Takes time to build the kind of trust and respect which makes friendship an everlasting one...”
There was this really short period (just 2 weeks) in my life when there were few things that took an unexpected turn and left me completely stranded. I was left all alone with absolutely no friend to confide to. Or at least I THOUGHT I WAS ALL ALONE. Coz the ones whom I was close to were mad at me, the other few I knew were ignoring me (or I thought they were coz they never answered my calls) and another few I myself was ignoring out of the fear that I might hurt them like the way I unknowingly hurt few individuals. I was in this muddle of doubts, diffidence and insecurity. This experience indeed left a scar on me that, I still find it so difficult to completely trust any person, out of the fear that when you give them the space, they can get so close to you, make you dependant on them, and suddenly leave you unexpectedly all alone with all your promises of friendship shattered.
But I sure should thank all these friends for having left me alone all at the same time; coz it was because of them I renewed or rather rejuvenated my relationship with a true friend - Jesus Christ. It was because of that particular situation I had a closer walk with Him and realised that I had missed confiding even the little things to this ‘bestest’ friend all these days. When I was lonely, He filled me with His presence. I sure know He was there listening to all my silly mumbles. Whenever I cried by myself, He filled me with His peace. I know I’ve done so many things that would have upset Him but He has a forgiving heart and a forgetting mind. He has drawn me closer to Him than before, caressing me and encouraging me whenever I needed it. He has been there whenever I needed Him. I don’t have the problem of un-answered calls or no sms, coz I know I just need to talk to Him whenever I want to and He always listens to me. This situation has made me a tougher person and yet it’s humbled me to realise that I’m just a sinner who has found grace in the Lord’s eyes. I’m privileged to be chosen as His friend. I’ve never experienced this before but it sure was special and I know this friendship with my Saviour for sure will last forever.
I’d like to now tell those individuals who were part of this particular short period that I’m sorry when I hurt you, but I do know I never meant to do so. It was all meant to be, as a part of God’s perfect plan. If you ignored me, if you were hurt because of me, if I ignored you and thus hurt you, if you were forced to say goodbye to me or I said it to you, I’m helpless at this point coz all I know is that He made it happen so that I could know Him better. At this juncture I’m reminded of this song...
” Packing up the dreams God planted
In the fertile soil of you
Can’t believe the hopes He’s granted
Means a chapter in your life is through
But we’ll keep you close as always
It won’t even seem you’ve gone
cause our hearts in big and small ways
Will keep the love that keeps us strong.
And friends are friends forever
If the Lord’s the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
cause the welcome will not end
Though it’s hard to let you go
In the Fathers hands we know
That a lifetimes not too long to live as friends.”
“God works through different people in different ways, but it is the same God who achieves His purpose through them all.”- 1 Corinthians 12:6. I thank all of you for being there and being a blessing in my life in whatever ways you had to be.
I really don’t know why I’m writing this blog but I’m just listening to the voice inside that’s asked me to do this. I’d like to end this blog by saying the exact words which was told to me once by one special friend, “Sweet Friend, I’m with you in whatever you do. Don’t know why I pulled this conversation. Love you so much. God bless you. Have a nice day!!!”
hey greets!!!! a good post ma... really amazing and perfect timing!!
Yes at this time I must thank to my heavenly friend to give me a good friend in this earth.Thank you Lord!!
The post is not of just words, greater than that. It's really _____. I don't have words to fill. Great keep moving on.You had written what I feel in my mind. :)So Sweet
Hey Greets, the best blog so far from you. I loved it, for it hails the person who deserves all glory. If the person was listening to your ramblings behind the words of your final verdict. You will still hear that person saying, "no matter how hard and bad things go, he will still be on your side". May be a silent observer, definitely not someone who has forgotten thee.
hey, that's a bit of a back-handed compliment to your friends, i guess. but God always works in amazing ways and turns the darkest times into glory, huh? xx
Indians are a funny bunch of people, for they have a strange way of rejoicing over the feeling that their neighbor is no better of than themselves. Being an Indian I am no exception. My top-of-the-mind reaction to this blog can only be a case in point on how not to understand something. Yet all my life I have been honest, so I confess the truth. Dear blogger I am filled with that strange Indian joy of having heard from a person who had to endure suffering just like I did. In your blog, I found little bits of the lamentations of my own wounded heart a few seasons ago, when the Lord put me through this same module a little ahead of you. Take no offense, I only mean to empathize.
But again just like me, you have rushed into concluding, “I do know I never meant to do so. It was all meant to be, as a part of God’s perfect plan. If you ignored me, if you were hurt because of me, if I ignored you and thus hurt you, if you were forced to say goodbye to me or I said it to you, I’m helpless at this point coz all I know is that He made it happen so that I could know Him better”.
Like in your previous posting here too you have missed out on the intimate knowledge of our Lord’s greatness. When I was going through this same module, I too started justifying my actions saying I didn’t intend to hurt , I am helpless and its only because my God is a jealous God, He plucked away a dream after He Himself planted it and He longs for my wholesome undivided attention and so on. But then our Lord is not as impotent, mean or insecure like we make Him look like at times. He is He without our compromises and exaggerations. He knows that nothing comes close to His love for us and so He doesn’t need to manipulate people and their lives to orient His children towards Him. He is such a “gentle-manly” God and also so very sensitive to our emotions.
Dear blogger, you seem to be addressing a strange mix of acquaintances, friends and deserters in your blog. So lacking any particular context I want to just comment on the term ‘Christian relationships’.
Ravi Zac in one of his books says,
“Chivalry has nothing to do with the sweetness of the appearance. It has everything to do with the tenderness of a heart determined to serve. But this kind of commitment does not come easily. Only if it is taken seriously does it become a sheer delight of the heart. I will also add that this kind of commitment is not seen much in the times we live. The reason we have a crisis in our gender relationships is not that we are culturally indoctrinated but that we would rather be served than serve. We would rather be the head than the feet. The Christian faith stands unique in pointing out that the son of man came to seek and to serve that which was lost. The son of man came to serve. This means that the service He gave to humanity was given even when we least merited that sacrifice. There is a joy in service that transcends emotional temporariness”.
That’s the doctrine. The practical application is to sort out hurts with whoever you value as friends with all humility. Don’t lose good friends over silly misunderstandings. Do everything before giving up on a God-given friend or one who loves HIM. Not that I learnt this lesson I am lecturing you, but because I am trying to live-up to a promise I made a special friend long ago. A promise to stand-up for my friend when it SEEMS or my friend SEEMS to THINK that my friend IS STRANDED. They say that choices are the hinges of destiny. I make mine, you make yours. Choose well the path you take with relationships so that on that day of Rewards & Reckoning you don’t stand regretting.
I am pasting below a part of another article I read somewhere,
“God asked me – Okay, you tell me, there are so many leaves around, but why do you always love to enjoy touching and pushing the touch-me-nots. Well, and the answer was – Because they curl and fold in. God said – Don’t you behave a lot like the touch-me-not? When offended or when facing a problem, don’t curl in or fold in, or go about with a swollen face….. That’s not Christian. Just stand strong and bold like the rest of the leaves and the devil would not be interested in stamping you or in bothering you around. When the devil knows that this child of God cannot be easily offended or saddened or angered or that her mood cannot be easily spoilt, he wouldn’t enjoy or bother stamping you around. As a child of God I shouldn’t be touchy about anything. His children need to be like him – slow to take offense, never curling in or folding in but opening up bravely and smiling at whatever comes my way knowing my Father is in control and my Father will take care of whatever concerns me.
When something happens, just leave it to God. Don’t take it to heart. Take it to God. Leave it there at his feet and continue on your way with a smiling face, and a good mood and no anger whatsoever. This seems like almost impossible sometimes, doesn’t it? But when we make an effort to try, God helps his children. After all its his dream and goal too is for his children to be just like him.
James 1:19 - Understand [this], my beloved brethren. Let every man be quick to hear [a ready listener], slow to speak, slow to take offense and to get angry.”
Dear blogger this is me giving you rational caution. But as you believe and have testified there is more comfort in JESUS than in any man’s well intended counsel.
Nothing beats HIS love. Not love of Family; Not love of friends; Not even your love for yourself.
Take care. God bless you and none of your friends. :-) (From this one line, you should understand its so easy to lecture but hard to live it. But rest easy, for I will change and I am :-(
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