One of my friends had been pestering me to start up my own blog in order to be able to express my thoughts and ideas with others. Being really new to this type of medium, it took me quiet sometime to convince myself to actually get started with this...
But now that I’ve made up my mind, I took the effort to get myself a little accustomed to this blogsite. After registering and having taken care of the initial details, I jus sat quietly pondering on what exactly I need to write. I wanted my first blog to be really appealing and interesting, something that would catch the attention of the readers and help them to relate to what I’m trying to express.

After much thought and time spent to come up with a good topic, I realized that the best would be to share what I had learnt few days back…a topic that every human could relate to…some point of time in his/her life. And that would be none other than LOVE….that thing which makes many many humans go crazy!! bonkers!! head over heals!!
Few days back a friend of mine had got back to me and pinged me about his new found love….the love of his life…and how excited he was that he had found the right gal. Though I dint speak to him, the joy and love was evident even in that chat window. He wanted me to call her and inform her about how much he missed her and that since he was at office somewhere in another country, he couldn’t call and the distance was killing him. He was longing to hear her voice just to tell her or rather to even hear from her how much she had loved him in return. The passion, the fire, the deep emotions was just bubbling over. It was obvious that this tiny feeling that had creeped into him uninvited had left him joyous with no bounds. He jus couldn’t keep it to himself and wanted to share it with everyone he knew.
I’m sure jus like this friend of mine, there might be many out there who would have experienced this feeling of being elated to the top of this world. Emotions that they themselves aren’t aware off....the eye to eye contact….romantic looks...sleepless nights, long…I mean really long conversations without even bothering to even drink a glass of water to quench that thirst…timely ‘good mornings’, ‘good afternoon’ and ‘good night’ sms or calls….and another thing…BLIND TRUST. No matter what others say about him or her, they continue to love their lover blindly jus because they trust the promise the other would have made to them. They would even risk going out alone far away just as long as they could spend time alone with their lover. They take efforts to go on and on impressing him/her and also to stay committed to their partner.
There is this person who loves me in spite of who I am though I really don’t deserve it one bit. He always wishes the best for me. He’d go an extra mile jus to see me smile. He’s given me the most beautiful gifts that anyone could ever dream off. He tells me those sweet soothing words every time I talk to him. He’s sacrificed so much just to keep me happy. But at times I don’t quiet reciprocate it to Him. Many times I don’t keep up to the promise of talking to him or spending time with him which he rightly deserves. I’ve never offered Him any kind of gifts nor do I care to even wish him a ‘good morning’ or a ‘good night’!!! He’s done things that I least expected. He gave up something really important to Him….and that was His own life. Ask him why he did that, He points His finger back to me and says “I did this for you just because… I LOVE YOU!!”. I can bet with anyone in this world, that the love that I’ve found in my lover is the truest when compared to the other lovers. I’d like to introduce you reader to my lover…the one who has captured my heart….Jesus.
Jesus came to this world for you and me. He gave up His life so that we can have life. He loves us unconditiona
lly. If loads of attention could be given to an earthly human lover…how much more shud be given to a person who loves u unconditionally??? Have you spent that extra hour in a conversation with Him or decided to sleep? Have you gone that extra mile to share the love that you’ve found in Him with others? Or do you prefer to say that you do not have the time and that you’re too busy?? Do you hesitate to introduce this lover Jesus to your friends?? Every act of yours hurts Him but that doesn’t stop Him from continuing to love you. We love Him because He first loved us. So what’s holding you back? Now is the time…go tell it to the world that Jesus Christ loves you and you too love Him. Try your best to spend enough time with your lover Jesus and build up that personal relationship with Him. Try Him. It makes all the difference!!
But now that I’ve made up my mind, I took the effort to get myself a little accustomed to this blogsite. After registering and having taken care of the initial details, I jus sat quietly pondering on what exactly I need to write. I wanted my first blog to be really appealing and interesting, something that would catch the attention of the readers and help them to relate to what I’m trying to express.

After much thought and time spent to come up with a good topic, I realized that the best would be to share what I had learnt few days back…a topic that every human could relate to…some point of time in his/her life. And that would be none other than LOVE….that thing which makes many many humans go crazy!! bonkers!! head over heals!!
Few days back a friend of mine had got back to me and pinged me about his new found love….the love of his life…and how excited he was that he had found the right gal. Though I dint speak to him, the joy and love was evident even in that chat window. He wanted me to call her and inform her about how much he missed her and that since he was at office somewhere in another country, he couldn’t call and the distance was killing him. He was longing to hear her voice just to tell her or rather to even hear from her how much she had loved him in return. The passion, the fire, the deep emotions was just bubbling over. It was obvious that this tiny feeling that had creeped into him uninvited had left him joyous with no bounds. He jus couldn’t keep it to himself and wanted to share it with everyone he knew.
I’m sure jus like this friend of mine, there might be many out there who would have experienced this feeling of being elated to the top of this world. Emotions that they themselves aren’t aware off....the eye to eye contact….romantic looks...sleepless nights, long…I mean really long conversations without even bothering to even drink a glass of water to quench that thirst…timely ‘good mornings’, ‘good afternoon’ and ‘good night’ sms or calls….and another thing…BLIND TRUST. No matter what others say about him or her, they continue to love their lover blindly jus because they trust the promise the other would have made to them. They would even risk going out alone far away just as long as they could spend time alone with their lover. They take efforts to go on and on impressing him/her and also to stay committed to their partner.
There is this person who loves me in spite of who I am though I really don’t deserve it one bit. He always wishes the best for me. He’d go an extra mile jus to see me smile. He’s given me the most beautiful gifts that anyone could ever dream off. He tells me those sweet soothing words every time I talk to him. He’s sacrificed so much just to keep me happy. But at times I don’t quiet reciprocate it to Him. Many times I don’t keep up to the promise of talking to him or spending time with him which he rightly deserves. I’ve never offered Him any kind of gifts nor do I care to even wish him a ‘good morning’ or a ‘good night’!!! He’s done things that I least expected. He gave up something really important to Him….and that was His own life. Ask him why he did that, He points His finger back to me and says “I did this for you just because… I LOVE YOU!!”. I can bet with anyone in this world, that the love that I’ve found in my lover is the truest when compared to the other lovers. I’d like to introduce you reader to my lover…the one who has captured my heart….Jesus.
Jesus came to this world for you and me. He gave up His life so that we can have life. He loves us unconditiona